Thought the machine was white and not almond! Also your 9554A looks great too. On an acquasition of such a great machine, despite the fact that I thought it was a 95840 and not a 95842 as I 95 lids dont tend to survive, without being battered and bruised.

If anyone get the opportunity to salvage decent Hotpoint 95 lids, i would recommend that they take it. P.s its had a new lid since the piccy was taken. Piccy of the 9554A below (if anyone knows of a source of Almond touch up paint, please let me know). The original drum was totally 100% seized solid, hence the drum replacement. This machine was courtesy of Gary (electron1100) and was took to the tip where he works.Īfter undergoing a total drum transplant - outer and inner - it works very nicely, though will need new bearings in the future. You should go for that 9554W! Dont be put off by appearances, as most (though not all) will come off with some elbow grease. Yep - it is an 'L.E' model, as were all the top end Hotpoints in the form of the 96700/702 top loader, 95840/842 Microtronic and 95620/622 variable 1000.Īll the machines below the 95620/622 were standards. Will have a go at cleaning it up tomorrow and let you know whats what with it. Wont apply any sidestrips to it until the machine is formly planted in a new home - far too fragile, if being moved. It does leak and will need a thorough tidy up but, fingers crossed, should look splendid when done. Collected the 95842 and got back about 40mins ago, so only had a quick look in very poor light.